C.T.T.C (Computer Teachers Training Course)
- Computer Fundamental Course Fee 9000/-
- Operating System(Windows Xp, Vista, Windows 7) etc. Duration - 1 Year
- Ms Office 2007
- D.T.P(Desktop Publication)
PageMaker, Photoshop, Coral Draw
- Accounting Package
- Tally 9
- Programming C
- Visual Basic
- Internet
- Micro Teching
- Personality Development
- Project Work
- Communication skill
Placement : Teaching, Official, Accounting, Press work
D.C.A (Diploma in Computer Application)
- Computer Fundamental Course Fee: 4500/-
- Operating System Duration - 6 Months
- (Windows Xp, Vista,Windows 7) etc.
- Ms Office 2007
- Internet
- Project Work
Placement : Office Work
D.T.P (Desktop Publication)
- Computer Fundamental Course Fee: 2400/-
- Page Maker 7.0 Duration - 3 Months
- Photo shop 7.0
- Coral Draw 12
Placement : Press Work, Digital Printing
D.I.T (Diploma an Information Technology )
Course Fee : 8500/-
DIT: The diploma program will prepare candidates to advance, and to support position such as administrative assistant, executive secretaries or office administrations in various large corporate and banking sectors. The course will equip the candidates in the areas of information processing, report writing, presentations, executive secretarial support, handling the database and understanding the system analysis and design in management.
Bachelor Degree
These course are also providing by this institute. Through these courses students can make their future bright.
Students use to go far of places to do these courses and sped lots of money then need. Here the students have options also to do these courses by the different universities. The institute is certified by the Sikkim Manipal University, Gangtok & Makhan Lal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita University, and Bhopal.
BCA: Fast growing information technology and communication system have become cortical components of almost every company’s strategic plan. Companies which want to take advantage of the new information technologies and communication system requires export professionals, who can apply computer science principles to solve problems produced by the interface between business and technology. This is an undergraduate program where students are exposed to various areas of computer application including the largest developments in the industry.
BBA: The BBA program is directed at preparing participants for the challenges of supervisory and middle – level management positions in the public or private sector. The program blends the three core disciplines of managements, communication and information systems into a balanced program providing the contemporary manager with effective skill. In additional, the program offers general business course to broaden the prospective manager’s knowledge base.
MCA: The world has become a small village due to the revolution Technology. It has affected almost all walks of life, be it business, education, entertainment services and healthcare.
This course is designed to produce a dynamic breed of computer professional with excellent managerial skills. Emphasis is given to in-depth studies of numerous application-oriented subjects, covering various methodologies to develop software products efficiently by utilizing advance networking technologies and application software.
MBA: Education is primary ingredient and also a key to success in any profession. With a booming economy and a young population, it imperative to provide quality education to this populating which will create skill required by various sectors of the economy and industry.
Proving quality learning in higher education is becoming a major focus area in the country not only with the Government but, also increasingly, with education institution is to provide education that encompasses world class curriculum and is also industry focused.